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ISHP past presidents

ISHP has a long tradition of excellence in meetings and programs and helping our members to reach the highest levels of pharmacy practice. For more than 60 years, ISHP Presidents have laid the foundation upon which the society has grown into one of the most active and highly-respected ASHP state-affiliate chapters.

Please let us know if you have the names of missing past presidents.

1956 - Donald Ness
1957 -
1958 - Herbert Whitby
1959 -
1960 -
1961 -
1962 - Donald Ness
1963 - Bob Endo
1964 - Franchot (Frenchie) Jensen
1965 - Ken Reid
1966 - William Story
1967 - Sister Mechtilde Curti
1968 - Robin Kinsey
1969 - Herbert Whitby
1970 - Milton Kutsurelis
1971 - Mark Lallatin
1972 - Gerald Graham
1973 - D. Mahendernath
1974 - Harold Lyons
1975 - Brent Fricke
1976 - Dale Hand
1977 - Henry Bangert
1978 - P. Allen Frisk
1979 - Neil Griggs
1980 - Dorothy Galloway
1981 -

1982 - Carla Dirk
1983 - Errol Maus
1984 - Ron Endo
1985 - Kent Alexander
1986 - Larry Sasich
1987 - Gordon Tower
1988 - Leo Nickasch
1989 - Kent Jensen
1990 - P. Allen Frisk
1990 - 1992   Tami Eide
1992 - 1994   Jim Jurgens
1994 - 1996   Kent Quickstad
1996 - 1998   Shawna Kittridge
1998 - 2000   Barb Mason
2000 - 2002   Paul Driver
2002 - 2004   Debbie Heckathorn
2004 - 2006   Doug Schoonover 
2006 - 2008   Sam Hoagland
2008 - 2010   Mike Dickens
2010 - 2012   Sue Heineman
2013 - Rob Wills
2014 - Angela Melbihess
2015 - Debbie Rothstein
2016 - Chris Oswald
2017 - Lindsay Kaster
2018 - Rob Wills

2019 - John Sullivan

2020 - Chris Oswald

2021 - Andrea Winterswyk

Past President's 60th Anniversary Reception - Fall Meeting 2016

(L-R) Chris Oswald, Rob Wills, Kent Quickstad, Barb Mason, Paul Driver, Tami Eide, Douglas Schoonover, Leo Nickasch, Debbie Rothstein, Michael Dickens, Shawna Kittridge

Contact Us:(208) 342-2581

P.O. Box 7625
Boise, ID 83707

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